Setup Azure Active Directory

This article explains how to setup user authentication via Azure Active Directory for your AppMachine app.

In this article you'll read how to setup user authentication via Azure Active Directory. Configuring this correctly consists of the following steps:

Registering an application within the Azure Portal

  1. Navigate to the registered apps page of the Azure Portal and login.

  2. Click +New registration to create a new app.

  3. Enter the name of your app.

  4. Select the Single tenant option as the supported account type.

  5. Set the Redirect URI to type Web and enter the following value:

  6. Click Register to create the Azure application.

Obtaining the Client ID and Tenant ID

  1. Open the Overview page of your Azure application.

  2. Copy the Application (client) ID and the Directory (tenant) ID. These values will be required during the setup in AppMachine.

Creating a Client Secret within the Azure app

  1. Open the Certificates & secrets page.

  2. Click +New client secret.

  3. Enter a description and set the client secret's expiration time. Note: AppMachine is not able to track the client secret expiration date. When the client secret expires users will no longer be able to login to the app. To prevent this from happening, the client secret will have to be renewed and updated in AppMachine before the secret expires.

  4. Click the Add button to create the client secret.

  5. Copy the value of the client secret displayed on the screen. This value will be required during the setup in AppMachine. Note: The Client Secret value can only be viewed once, directly after creating it.

Enabling Azure Active Directory authentication in AppMachine

  1. Open the Login Settings page of your AppMachine app and enable User login.

  2. Enable the options Azure Active Directory and Users can register a new account for this app.

  3. Click Configure and enter the Client ID, Tenant ID, and Client Secret obtained via the steps above, and click Save to complete the setup.

  4. Finally, Save your changes on the Login Settings page to complete the setup.

Last updated