
Play music or podcasts (Media RSS feed) directly in the app.

Available late-May 2023 The music or other audio content you feature in this block can be pulled from a Media-RSS feed.

The user can listen to the audio even after exiting the app.

Please Note: Not all media codecs are guaranteed to be available on all Android platform versions. For best results on Android, we recommend using AAC-LC audio. Please check the Android Developer website for more information.

Adding the Music building block

  1. Click on + Block.

  2. Select the Music block and click Next.

  3. Choose the data source for your music

  4. Click Next

  5. Fill in the name of the block.

  6. Click on the icon if you want to change the image used in the menu.

  7. When you’re done, click Finish.

Configuring the Music building block


There are several aspects of your Music block that can be changed in this screen; the name of the block, the icon (or image) that will be used in the app menu, and the top image for the "Music" screen. You can also choose whether you'd like the users to be able to share the events via twitter, Facebook, or email.

Click on the icon if you want to change the image used in the app's menu.

  • Edit provides a wide range of image editing options for you to manipulate your icon image.

  • Replace allows you to choose from a wide range of AppMachine icons or upload your own.

  • Remove removes the icon so that only text is used (in this case Music) is presented in your app's menu.

Should the need arise to keep the users of your published app from using this portion of the app, then you can always make use of the ON/OFF toggle in the top right of the settings section.

Toggle selector to OFF to keep users from seeing the Music block. Now you can continue developing your app without worrying about users coming upon areas that you haven't finished developing as of yet. Once you are satisfied with your progress, toggle the selector back to ON to publish this portion of your app.


This is where you add the the questions and answers to your list. Click here to read more about working with "List" settings.


The Design section allows your to make highly detailed changes to your building block. Design gives the developer a remarkable amount of freedom to adjust everything exactly as he or she would like it.

Frequently Asked Questions

- How can I have music playing in the background when someone opens the app?

It is not possible to have music playing in the background of the app when the app is opened.

- Is it possible for a user to listen to audio tracks while the device is offline/ in flight mode?

Listening to music requires an internet connection. Tracks are not kept on the device's storage.

Last updated

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